Good News: The PTZ Extended until 2027

Excellent news for future owners:
The extension of the Zero Rate Loan (PTZ) until 2027, important news for first-time buyers seeking to become owners of their main residence. The PTZ is an interest-free credit accompanied by a deferred repayment period, designed to help low-income households access property.
What is the Zero Rate Loan? : The PTZ facilitates the purchase of new or old housing requiring renovation work. The article specifies that the conditions of eligibility for the PTZ vary depending on the geographical area of the housing, the work to be carried out for the old one, and the reference tax income of the household. In 2023, the conditions remain unchanged, including the following criteria:
- The accommodation must be the main residence and not have been owned by the household in the last two years.
- For the former, the work must represent at least a quarter of the total expenses.
- Household income must respect specific ceilings, for example, the reference tax income limit for a couple in zone B2 is €37,800, in zone C €33,600.
Combinability with Other Aid: The article highlights the possibility of combining the PTZ with the MaPrimeRénov' system. This combination allows owners to finance renovation work, with the possibility of obtaining up to €30,000 additional. However, the PTZ cannot be combined with the Pinel system, which aims to encourage investment in new rental property.
Extension of the PTZ until 2027: The Prime Minister, Élisabeth Borne, announced the renewal of the PTZ until 2027 due to the increase in mortgage rates. This extension will come into force in 2024. The PTZ will be refocused on new collective housing in tense areas and on old ones under renovation conditions in relaxed areas. The precise details of the new conditions have yet to be revealed.
Conclusion : In conclusion, the extension of the PTZ until 2027 offers new prospects for low-income households seeking to become owners. It comes at a time when mortgage rates are rising significantly, making it a crucial opportunity for those aspiring to own their primary residence. Details of the updated terms will be announced at a later date, paving the way for new possibilities for future owners.